
Rosie Oliver has been in love with science fiction ever since as a teenager she discovered a whole bookcase of yellow-covered Gollancz science fiction books in Chesterfield library. It sent her on a world-spinning imaginary journey that has now left her wandering mega-complex mixed-dimensional multi-verses with varying time speeds.

She has had

  • her debut novel, Edge of Existence, published in 2023
  • forty of her short stories published (one ended up in the Best of British Science Fiction 2020 anthology)
  • and in the Writers of the Future contest – been a Finalist and been awarded three Silver Honourable Mentions and eleven Honourable Mentions.

Her science fictional activities have spilled over into other areas of her life, as she ended up blundering her way into contributing to a scientific research paper while investigating background stuff for a novel. She is currently concentrating on writing science fiction novels… yes plural, meaning in parallel!